lunes, 17 de septiembre de 2018

October 8 - October 12, 2018

Required Materials for Class:  Tennis shoes, water bottle and appropriate clothing.

Optional Materials for Class:  Bug spray, hat and sunscreen.        
PLEASE TAKE NOTE: To participate in class activities and receive full credit for the class, students need to wear appropriate clothing for P.E. class.

GOALS: We will use the word RESPECT to set the main goals for the year.

Right to Learn – Every child has this right to be educated!
Effort – Win or lose, trying is the most important trait.
Safety – The number one priority each day!
Purpose – Understanding how the activity can benefit you.
Enthusiasm – Positive energy creates a positive environment!
Challenge – Challenge yourself to improve each day.
Trust/Teamwork – Work with and trust others, the result can be amazing!

REMINDER: I would like to remind you that all students need to be dressed appropriately for the days that they have P.E. class. Students should refrain from using the following:
-  Dresses for the girls
-  Jeans (shorts or pants)
-  Crocks
-  Sandals
-  Boots

Have fun!
Candy, food, and/or gum – out of sight, out of mind!
Positive attitude!
Remain in supervised areas all the time!


During this week, the students will work on developing the following fundamental skills of VOLLEYBAL: serving, throwing and catching.


2.      To begin the game. I will put seven balls into play by throwing them high into the air, throwing some to each side of the net.



During this week, the students will work on developing the following fundamental skills of VOLLEYBAL: serving, throwing and catching. Practicing manipulative skills in a game situation.

1.      Arrange the children in 3 circles of six to eight children each. Have the children stand at least 10 ft apart from one another, facing counterclockwise. Give a ball to one person in each circle.

2.      To begin the game. I will put seven balls into play by throwing them high into the air, throwing some to each side of the net.

Gather the children into an information formation.
1.      Ask the children which were their favorite games from the last few classes (e.g., punch Line ball, so you can have the appropriate equipment ready.)
2.      Organize play for two or three games ( Keeping team sizes small)
3.      Tell them they must settle their own arguments or else they will not be allowed to choose what they do another time.


During this week, the students will work on developing the following fundamental skills of VOLLEYBAL: serving and blocking. Students will put this knowledge to test in games.

Arrange partners facing each other from behind lines 20 ft. apart, each pair with a volleyball. Mark additional lines at 30, 40, and 50 ft. apart.

1.      Describe and demonstrate the skill:
Start in a stride stance (weight on back foot) with the leg opposite your hitting arm for- ward.
Contact the ball with the heel of your open hand, squarely below and behind the center of the ball.
2.      Have the children practice serving the ball back and forth between partners, beginning 20 ft apart and, after some success, moving back to 30. Then 40. And finally 50 ft.
3.      Encourage the children to observe each for correct techniques:
Obeserve your partner to see if he or she is drawing the serving arm backward in a pendular fashion. Is he or she shifting weight from the back to the front foot?


During this week, the students will work on developing the following fundamental skills of VOLLEYBAL: serving and blocking. Students will put this knowledge to test in games.

Arrange partners facing each other from behind lines 20 ft. apart, each pair with a volleyball. Mark additional lines at 30, 40, and 50 ft. apart.

1.      Describe and demonstrate the skill:
Start in a stride stance (weight on back foot) with the leg opposite your hitting arm for- ward.
Contact the ball with the heel of your open hand, squarely below and behind the center of the ball.
2.      Have the children practice serving the ball back and forth between partners, beginning 20 ft apart and, after some success, moving back to 30. Then 40. And finally 50 ft.
3.      Encourage the children to observe each for correct techniques:
Obeserve your partner to see if he or she is drawing the serving arm backward in a pendular fashion. Is he or she shifting weight from the back to the front foot?

domingo, 2 de septiembre de 2018

September 10-  September 14, 2018

I would like to remind you that all students need to be dressed appropriately for the days that they have P.E. class. Students should refrain from using the following:
-  Dresses for the girls
-  Jeans (shorts or pants)
-  Crocks
-  Sandals
-  Boots

In order to participate in class activities and receive full credit for the class, students need to wear appropriate clothing for P.E. class.

We will use the word RESPECT to set the main goals for the year.
Right to Learn – Every child has this right to be educated!
Effort – Win or lose, trying is the most important trait.
Safety – The number one priority each and every day!
Purpose – Understanding how the activity can benefit you.
Enthusiasm – Positive energy creates a positive environment!
Challenge – Challenge yourself to improve each day.
Trust/Teamwork – Work with and trust others, the result can be amazing!

Have fun!
Candy, food, and/or gum – out of sight, out of mind!
Positive attitude!
Remain in supervised areas all the time!

Optional Materials for Class:  Bug Spray, hat and Sunscreen.        

Required Materials for Class:  Tennis Shoes, Water Bottle and appropriate clothing.

During this week, the students will work on developing the following fundamental skills of BASKETBALL: passing,  dribbling and basketball game. 

Dribblig Activities

During the first 10 minutes we practice dribbling with hoops.
• Students stand in horseshoe arrangement with basketball on the ground between their feet
. • Dribbling: Push basketball with pads of fingers; basketball should back spin, nondribbling arm is up to protect basketball.
 • Demonstrate skill. 
• All students practice stationary dribbling with dominate hand and protecting with non-dominant hand.
 • All students practice stationary dribbling with non-dominate hand and protect with dominant hand. 
. Basketball game test.

Role of Assistant

• Assist with demonstration.
 • Give positive specific feedback.
 • Challenge students to dribble with head up. 


During this week, the students will work on developing the following fundamental skills of BASKETBALL: passing, dribbling, shooting and basketball game test. 

Dribblig Activities

During the first 10 minutes we practice dribbling whit hoops and cones.
• Students stand in horseshoe arrangement with basketball on the ground between their feet
• Dribbling: Push basketball with pads of fingers; basketball should back spin, nondribbling arm is up to protect basketball.
 • Demonstrate skill. 
• All students practice stationary dribbling with dominate hand and protecting with non-dominant hand.
 • All students practice stationary dribbling with non-dominate hand and protect with dominant hand.

Dribble and Move

• Students begin dribbling and moving inside the court area.
 • Each student must maintain personal space by keeping his or her head up. 
• Start with dominant hand dribble.
• Change to non-dominate hand dribble. 
• Give students signal to increase speed (about 1 minute) and then return to walk. 
. Basketball game test 

Role of Assistant

• Assist with demonstration.
 • Give positive specific feedback.
 • Challenge students to dribble with head up. 
• Assist students with maintaining personal space.
 • Demonstrate skill when needed. 


During this week, the students will work on developing the following fundamental skills of BASKETBALL: passing, dribbling, blocking and shooting. Students will put this knowledge to test in games. 
Dribblig Activities

During the first 10 minutes we practice dribbling whit hoops and cones.
• Students stand in horseshoe arrangement with basketball on the ground between their feet
• Dribbling: Push basketball with pads of fingers; basketball should back spin, nondribbling arm is up to protect basketball.
 • Demonstrate skill. 
• All students practice stationary dribbling with dominate hand and protecting with non-dominant hand.
 • All students practice stationary dribbling with non-dominate hand and protect with dominant hand.
. During the first 10 minutes we practice dribbling whit hoops.
 . Basketball game test 

Dribble and Move

• Students begin dribbling and moving inside the court area.
 • Each student must maintain personal space by keeping his or her head up. 
• Start with dominant hand dribble.
• Change to non-dominate hand dribble. 
• Give students signal to increase speed (about 1 minute) and then return to walk. 

Role of Assistant

• Assist with demonstration.
 • Give positive specific feedback.
 • Challenge students to dribble with head up. 
• Assist students with maintaining personal space.
 • Demonstrate skill when needed. 

 Chest pass

• Chest Pass: Both hands on side of basketball, Push basketball from chest, Step towards target, Follow through with hands pointing out and thumbs down.
 • Demonstrate skill. 
• Students shadow practice chest pass without a basketball.
 • Shadow practice faking a pass both to left and right. Students need to step when making a fake.

During this week, the students will work on developing the following fundamental skills of BASKETBALL: passing, dribbling, blocking and shooting. Students will put this knowledge to test in games. 

Dribble and Move

During the first 10 minutes we practice dribbling whit hoops and cones 
• Students begin dribbling and moving inside the court area.
 • Each student must maintain personal space by keeping his or her head up. 
• Start with dominant hand dribble.
• Change to non-dominate hand dribble. 
• Give students signal to increase speed (about 1 minute) and then return to walk. 

Role of Assistant

• Assist with demonstration.
 • Give positive specific feedback.
 • Challenge students to dribble with head up. 
• Assist students with maintaining personal space.
 • Demonstrate skill when needed. 

 Chest pass

• Chest Pass: Both hands on side of basketball, Push basketball from chest, Step towards target, Follow through with hands pointing out and thumbs down.
 • Demonstrate skill. 
• Students shadow practice chest pass without a basketball.
 • Shadow practice faking a pass both to left and right. Students need to step when making a fake.
. Basketball game test.